Young Blood EXPORT

Symposium Young Blood EXPORT
Portfolio presentations starts 7.30 pm
The series of exhibitions Young Blood is one of the CCEA (Centre for Central European Architecture) in Prague’s major exhibition projects.
The compilation Young Blood EXPORT now presents selected works from the individual national exhibitions, and is intended to emphasise the pan-Central European character of the overall project.
ampula / SK
Atelier ARW / CZ
ma2:ProstoRo / SLO
memo / H
RRA Roman Rutkowski / PL
sporaarchitects / H
Stanislawski + VROA / PL
x architekten / A
zerozero / SK
360-kreativni butik / SLO
Young Blood
Young Blood examines the emerging generation of architects in the countries of Central Europe, and introduces the work of selected architecture studios from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary and Austria in six national exhibitions. The participating countries were selected for their shared historic and cultural ties.
The exhibition was first shown in Prague, and is subsequently to travel to venues in the remaining participating countries. The project started in 2004 with the exhibition I’m a Young ‘Czeck’ Architect! With the Austrian contribution I’m a Young ‘Austerian’ Architect! ending the series in 2006. The national ascriptions deliberately deviate from their usual spellings to inspire the participants to provide original interpretations.
One of the key aims of Young Blood, alongside the study of different approaches to architectural briefs, is also to address the question of the positioning of architects in contemporary society. Young Blood has a focus on the approach that young architects adopt in looking for the solution to an architectural assignment. However there is also a focus on problems that arise in the relationship between architecture producers and the investors, official agencies and politicians, while pursuing a comprehensive debate on the significance and pervasiveness of high quality architecture in everyday life.
Concept: Igor Kovačević, Yvette Vašourková, CCEA
The project is realised under the aegis of the architect Prof. Vladimír Šlapeta, Dr.Sc.
Public Funding:
Geschäftsgruppe Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr
Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur
Geschäftsgruppe Kultur und Wissenschaft