Wonderland Kick-Off-Event + Symposium “Getting specialized”

Wonderland Kick-Off-Event + Symposium "Getting specialized"
© wonderland
10am – 11am press conference
11am – 1pm Wonderland Kick-Off Event / internal
3pm – 7pm symposium ‘Getting Specialized’
Speakers: Anneke Bokern, Frank Peter Jäger (to be confirmed)
The Getting Specialized symposium addresses the chances of specialisation available for architects in today’s architectural practice. Speakers and participants from all over Europe provide examples from their own countries for a discussion of the parallels and the differences between them. The results of the symposium are to be featured in the next issue of the Wonderland magazine. Wonderland is a platform for architecture that takes its name from the touring exhibition of the same name (2004–2006) involving 99 teams of European architecture producers from 9 countries. The second phase of the Wonderland show (2008–2011) pursues the same concept to promote international exchange. The aim is to create opportunities for international cooperation on concrete projects and to facilitate their completion in Europe. The assignment for the existing teams and newcomers is: to make projects happen.
admission free