wednesdays 08
City Inventory - From Dehio to the City Guide

wednesdays 08
Guests: Friedrich Achleitner, Renate Banik-Schweitzer, Wolfgang Kos, Andreas Lehne
The opening of the exhibition of the Friedrich Achleitner Archive on May 17, opens up the question for wednesdays of how the assessment of architects inventories have changed, which kinds exist and what they hold. This leads further to the question how objects of the twentieth century become memorials.
Friedrich Achleitner, Researcher
Renate Banik-Schweitzer, National and Provincial Archive, Vienna
Wolfgang Kos, Cultural Studies Researcher
Andreas Lehne, Co-author Dehio, Vienna
Links on this topic:
Austrian Federal Office for the Care of Monuments – Centre for Architectural conservation
nextroom – architektur im netz (German only)
archiV – Architecture Data Base from WORKSHOP
archINFORM – International Architecture Data Base
Unknown Vienna (German only)
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