Panel Discussion
wednedays 46
"The book will kill the edifice"

wednesdays 29
“The book will kill the edifice” conjectured Victor Hugo in his 1831 novel Notre-Dame of Paris. In the 20th century the ‘picture book’ came into being alongside the book of text due to rapid technological advancements in printing techniques. The representation and perception of architecture had begun to experience a shift.
Today the book has long ceased to be the only mass medium of communication. The production of architecture is today more than ever subject to the structures of the media and the media’s representational possibilities for its significance.
What amongst the vast range of available possibilities do architects’ strategies for self-marketing look like? What is the significance of books as a marketing tool? And what are the effects of modern architects studios’ current marketing and communications strategies on the architecture that is built?
The panel
Annette Kulenkampff, Managing Director of Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern/Stuttgart
Roman Delugan, Delugan_Meissl Architekten, Vienna
Hermann Czech, architect, Vienna
Edgar Haupt, journalist/architecture marketing consultant, Cologne
Moderated by: Dietmar Steiner, Director of the Az W