Opening & Discussion
Vorarlberg – A Phenomen?
as part of the exhibition „Vorarlberg – An intergenerational Dialogue“

House in the Bregenzer Wald, Vorarlberg, AT
© Architekturzentrum Wien
In 2000, the lifestyle magazine Wallpaper described Vorarlberg as "the most progressive part of the planet when it comes to new architecture. …The hills are alive with outstanding architecture".
Almost 20 years later we would like to discuss the impact this hype had: Is the built cultural heritage still an inspiration or has it even become a burden? How has the cultural and socio-political environment changed and which of the principles adhered to then seem outdated, and which are more topical than ever? What are the new challenges confronting today’s generation?

Detail of a traditional wooden shingle house, Bregenzer Wald, Vorarlberg, AT
© Architekturzentrum Wien
We welcome onto the stage a series of experts on the building sector and culture in the westernmost province of Austria, as well as a writer who grew up in a house by Rudolf Wäger and will tell us about her own very personal relationship with the art of building in Vorarlberg.
Welcome address:
Angelika Fitz, Director of the Az W
Clemens Quirin, vai
Sonja Pisarik, curator Az W
Sybilla Zech, Professor TU Vienna, Institute of Spatial Planning + Büro stadtland
Ingrid Holzschuh, architecture historian
Otto Kapfinger, architecture historian
Doris Knecht, writer and columnist
Sonja Pisarik, curator Az W
Moderated by
Franziska Leeb