Panel Discussion
virtual dschungle 4
Architecture Animations

virtual dschungle 4
In the 1960s it was still considered controversial contemporary thinking to maintain that illustrations of architecture had a stronger influence than the buildings themselves – today this is a reality that has long found broad acceptance. The ‘building as an image’ – and not merely a static one – has become ubiquitous.
The illustration of architecture with moving images underscored with soundtracks, with narrative and the conveyance of moods and atmospheres in remodelled premises signifies an essentially more profound change for the architecture press than the emergence of photography did in its time. The reflection of architecture by photography is apparently being replaced by the anticipated animation of depictions.
A compilation on film provides the basis for a panel discussion. The film shows contemporary developments and trends in opposing camps re the issues raised by photo-realism and the presentation of projects: abstraction versus narration, the experimental versus freestyle, depiction versus the realisation of an object.
Superstudio, Italien 1972, ‘Supersurface’
Harald Holba, Ö 2005, Bitcrusher
Guest speakers:
Christian Dögl, uma information technology gesmbh
Urs Hirschberg, Professor for the presentation of architectur e& new media, Graz University of Technology
Anna Popelka, architect
Moderated by: Oliver Schürer