Panel Discussion
Vienna Meets Hamburg
A Dialogue about the City of the Future

Vienna Meets Hamburg
Registration required:
Followed by the inauguration of the exhibition
“Stadt neu bauen”
The Wiener Wohnbaufestwochen 2013 (Vienna Housing Festival 2013) will be primarily dedicated to smart concepts for the cities of the future. By way of example, two urban development projects in Hamburg will highlight means of implementing intelligent solutions for urban (and neighbourhood) development and housing construction that are able to fulfil the requirements for European metropolises of the future: in view of increasingly tight financial, energetic and spatial resources, it is essential to safeguard efficient and sustainable management and to make considerate use of the potentials of a more and more international urban society. As the current host of the touring exhibition “Stadt neu bauen” originating from Hamburg, Vienna will engage in an international dialogue about the urban future of “smart cities”.
Speakers & discussants will inter alia include
Jutta Blankau (Hamburg Senator for Urban Development)
Jürgen Bruns-Berentelg, (HafenCity GmbH)
Uli Hellweg (IBA Hamburg International Building Exhibition)
Event in German
Admission free!