Accompanying Programme

Urban Rural Vacany

Short presentations and panel discussion

Wed 11.05.2016, 19:00-21:00

Urban Rural Vacany
© Myrzik und Jarisch, München

The photographers Ulrike Myrzik and Stefan Oláh introduce their exhibition projects in short presentations. They are followed by a panel of guest experts who discuss changes in consumer behaviour and the impact of these changes on villages and towns and the erosion of the centres of local communities associated with them, as well as the Disneyfication of town centres. Are there ways to counteract these processes of erosion?

Short presentations by:

Ulrike Myrzik (Munich) on the project ‘Landfluchten’
Stefan Oláh (Vienna) on the project ’26 Wiener Tankstellen’

Followed by a discussion with:

Jutta Kleedorfer, Mehrfachnutzung project coordinator, City of Vienna, MA 18
Christian Knapp, KREATIVE RÄUME WIEN, Büro für Urbane Zwischennutzung
Caren Ohrhallinger, nonconform
Roland Wallner, member of the board of LandLuft
Moderation: Anne Isopp, architectural journalist