The Pfaffenberg – Projects
HIC SAXA LOQVVNTUR & Mechanical Landscapes

Exhibition poster: The Pfaffenberg - Projects
© Architekturzentrum Wien, photograph: Andreas Balon, graphic design: Krieger|Sztatecsny, Büro für visuelle Gestaltung
opening day: January 12, 1996, 7 p.m.
Carnuntum, the Roman city of stone, the city on the rock mountain, is now experiencing a new and vivid vision of space. International architects hunt for timeless, seemingly perpetual traces, discover things that have not yet been recognised, that remain unrecognisable without architecture. Museum, theatre, belvedere, pavillon – and mechanical landscapes, apparently free exercises, responsible only to the special site and the respective pure idea of architecture. The Pfaffenberg Projects” are today`s stones of Carnuntum.
As a parallel event students from the Bartlett School of Architecture, London were showing their extremely bizar approach of how to re-use the space.