“The lawns are getting green again – Let’s go for a walk in May”
tour 40

"The lawns are getting green again - Let’s go for a walk in May"
© Ingrid Gregor
4th district, Mittersteig park
Architect: Stefan Schmidt
4th district, the Belvedere gardens
Architects: Peter Fischer-Colbrie, Willibald Ludwig
11 th district, Leberberg city park:
Architects: Roman Ivancsics, Heike Langenbach
10 th district, “Wienerberggelände”
Architects: Maja Kirchner, Gottfried Haubenberger
21st district, “Donaupark”
Free spaces within the densely obstructed area, large parklands remaining from the horticulture exhibitions. Garden architecture within the new housing estates, but also the courtly design of the Belvedere gardens. Maria Auböck has conceived an interesting journey and invites you to attentively wander through beautiful nature.
Meeting: 1:40 p.m. at the Architekturzentrum Wien
Departure: 2:00 p.m.
Return: 6:00 p.m.
Conception and tour guides: Maria Auböck, Gisa Ruland, Georg Lammel
Ticket fees: EUR 10.91 (ATS 150.-) / EUR 7.27 (ATS 100.-)