The decision
Students, this is your chance to build! The SOS-Kinderdorfhaus of the future.

Exhibition poster: The decision
Opening and award ceremony
June 07, 2001 – June 18, 2001
Architekturzentrum Wien
Opening: Wednesday, June 06, 2001, 07:00 P.M.
Open: Daily 10:00 A.M. – 07:00 P.M.
The Forschungsverband der österreichischen Baustoffindustrie, F.B.I. (research society of the Austrian building materials industry: Baumit, BRAMAC, Internorm, Saint-Gobain Isover, Novoferm, Rigips, Wienerberger Ziegelindustrie), and “SOS – Kinderdorf”, in conjunction with the Architekturzentrum Wien, have launched a competition open to architecture students studying at an Austrian University. The participants were required to design a house for the Kinderdorf (children’s village) with a concept based on new pedagogic and sociological criteria.
The particular challenge: The best project is to be realised employing the high-tech products of the prize-giving firm. The Haus der Zukunft (House of the Future) is to be built in 2002 for its prospective new residents on the grounds of the Altmünster SOS-Kinderdorf.
A team of internationally renowned jurors under the chair of Helga Timmermann has selected a winning project from among the 50 submitted to the competition.
The projects are to be presented at the Architekturzentrum Wien from June 07, 2001 through June 18, 2001 in the exhibition “StudentInnen und Studenten Baut. Die Entscheidung” (Students Build. The Decision).
Dietmar Steiner
Architekturzentrum Wien
On the initiative:
Günter Malloth
Director of the Forschungsverband der österreichischen Baustoffindustrie
On the children’s houses:
Winfried Vyslozil
On the Jury’s decision:
Helga Timmermann (chairperson)
Heidulf Gerngross
Prize-giving ceremony:
Helga Timmermann and Günter Malloth
DJ Darcosan
Brigitte Redl – Manhartsberger
Phone: ++43 1 522 31 15 – 12
E-Mail: tours@azw.at