sundays 208: designsafari bratislava

sundays 208: designsafari bratislava
© Raimund Muller / Flughafen Bratislava - VIP Räume: J. Bahna, V. Vilhan, 1972
The lively journey leads to particular examples of the latest interior conversions in Vienna’s neighbouring city Bratislava. As a prelude there is a lecture in the appealing premises of the Design Factory giving an insight into the aspiring Slovakian design scene, a concern of the new Designsafari format, developed in cooperation between sundays and the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK (2-12 Oct.).
Lecture in the Design Factory: conversion Z. Michalcak, M. Pasko, Z. Zacharova, 2005 / Koncepti Design Atelier and Shop: B. Hrban, 2003 / Slovakian Design Centre – Satelit Gallery / Fit factory sport centre, Petrzalka: A. Klimkova, M. Krucaj, 2008 / Atrium Design Shop: L. Zavodny, 2004 / CAK – MAK Design Café and Atelier: K. Cakov, E. Makara, 2006 / Bratislava Airport – VIP rooms: J. Bahna, V. Vilhan, 1972
Tickets, including mid-day meal (excl. drinks) in the Mytny Domcek restaurant.
The Lomographic Society International provides lomographic cameras for sundays 208 participants. The results of the analogue snapshots will be presented on and in the planned VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Review.
local architects and experts
consultant: Henrieta Moravcikova
tour guide: Peter Szalay
excursion head: Marion Kuzmany
meeting point 08:15 Architekturzentrum Wien entrance
departure 08:30 Architekturzentrum Wien entrance
return 20:30 Architekturzentrum Wien entrance