
sundays 140

traffic network

Sun 28.03.2004, 13:45-18:30

sundays 140

The rails for the former Gürtel line are getting too short for subway line U6. Passing Otto Wagner’s Stadtbahn (city rail) stations, sundays will investigate the new 5.2 km U6 rail extension, along with the new aluminum trapezoidal sheet metal and glass stations, which are designed to recapture the eye-catching prominence of their 19th century predecessors.

The building in the highway triangle between highway A2 and Südosttangente, designed with typical Krischanitz precision, was developed for traffic data analysis and dissemination of traffic information. The two stacked glass cuboids of the solitaire building reflect the innovative technology of the building’s interior usage. Riepl-Riepl’s switch tower at Wiener Südbahnhof (south train station), which draws from and reflects its surroundings with ultimate perfection of design, achieves a similar effect. Like a “stationary railway cart” it forms a motionless counterpoint to the passing trains.

Stadtbahn stations: Otto Wagner, 1895 / drive-by

140-01 U6 subway station Perfektastraße, Vienna Liesing district: Georg Gsteu, 1995
140-02 VMIZ, Vienna Liesing disctrict: Adolf Krischanitz, 2003
140-03 Südbahnhof switch tower Wien Süd-Ost, Vienna Wieden/Favoriten districts: Riepl-Riepl, 2003

Meeting point: 1:45 pm Architekturzentrum Wien – Shop / departure 2:00 pm / return 6:30 pm
Tickets: EUR 12.- (students EUR 8.-)
Architects: Georg Gsteu / Victoria von Gaudecker (Atelier Krischanitz) / Peter Riepl

Tour guide: Maria Welzig