ORF The Long Night of Museums

Architekturzentrum Wien
© photograph: Lisa Rastl
Once again the Az W is participating in the ORF nationwide event for museums, The Long Night of Museums. Night owls with an interest in architecture will not be disappointed this year, either!
18:00–20:00 Hands-on station: building a spectroscope
Light is an important parameter in the way we perceive rooms. The spectroscope breaks down daylight, light from an incandescent lamp and energy-saving lamps into their different colours.
18:00–20:00 Living Archive: Carl Auböck — Architect & Designer
The format of the Living Archive allows visitors to glance behind the scenes of collection work while also providing insights into the cosmopolitan life and oeuvre of Carl Auböck.
18:00–20:00 Mobile Info. Point
An insider lets you in on the secrets of our ‘Hot Questions — Cold Storage’ permanent collection, while providing tips, cross-references and answers to your own burning questions.
19:30 + 20:30 Guided tour of the exhibition
‘Europe’s best Buildings — European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024’