ORF The Long Night of Museums

Johann Staber: United Nations Office and Conference Centre at Vienna, 'UNO City', 1 Bruno-Kreisky-Platz, 1220 Vienna, 1968–1987, presentation model in gift set
© Architekturzentrum Wien, Collection
Once again the Az W is participating in the ORF nationwide event for museums, The Long Night of Museums. Night owls with an interest in architecture will not be disappointed this year, either!
Family Workshop: What is an Oloid?
A bug, a gemstone, or a rare building material? We’ll explore this with you, and you can build an oiloid for yourself. I’ll also show you how to make other folding models.
How is architecture made? As a tool, the pencil has increasingly been in competition with digital drawing software. Architecture is closely linked to the history of technology and social issues. So, we more often wonder what possibilities circular economies offer architecture projects. A half-hour themed guided tour between the Permanent Collection and the special exhibition.
‘Hollein Calling. Architectural Dialogues’, a half-hour guided tour of the exhibition