Special Focus: Bread & Roses
Nature and City: The End of a Contradiction
Online Discussion*

Der Westbahnpark in Wien, eine Initiative von BLA / Büro für lustige Angelegenheiten
The Az W focus on Bread & Roses takes as its background the corona crisis to pose the question: What do we need for a good life? In July you can participate in the discussion during two online events with international guests.
Locked in an apartment without outdoor space, standing before closed parks, visits to green spaces close to the city only for car-owners… The past months have shown how vital access to nature is for people, and how unequal this access is.
The example of a Navarinou Park in Athens, a Gezi Park in Istanbul, of Esta es una Plaza in Madrid or a Längenfeldgarten in Vienna show that the need for green space and natural surroundings can activate people into emancipating themselves, organising communally and appropriating urban space — and subsequently the continued (self-organised) care and use of these space.
An online conversation on the potential of nature and green space as an incubator for social action.
A conversation, too, about a concept of architecture and urban space that is not at odds with nature but that takes the entire natural environment as a yardstick.
Fritz Habekud, editor of Die Zeit, co-author of the book Über Leben. Zukunftsfrage Artensterben: Wie wir die Ökokrise überwinden, Hamburg
Ulrich Leth, Traffic Planner, TU Wien, speaker for the „Platz für Wien“ initiative
Lilli Lička, landscape architect, Professor of Landscape Architecture at BOKU Wien
Antonin Yuji Maeno, architect, Studio Cutwork, Paris
Moderated by
Maria Welzig, Az W
*The discussion will be broadcast live on zoom via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84352145762