kiosk – the premiere

kiosk – the premiere
A particular highpoint of the Architekturtage 2004 is provided by the presentation of the first completed architecture Kiosk, the winning entry in a competition for architects and designers organised in collaboration with ÖsterreichTicket. The first Kiosk model is to celebrate its premiere, providing an info-point, a communications platform, a ticket booth and a mobile architectural landmark.
The presentation is also to include the three prize-winning designs by GRMW Architekten, Vienna, MEGATABS, Vienna, Oskar Leo Kaufmann, Dornbirn, and an introduction to the special issue of the journal ‘HINTERGRUND’ devoted to Kiosk, published for the first time by edition selene.
Closing event
This year’s Architekturtage 2004 is to close with a party in Staatsratshof at the Architekturzentrum Wien, held in collaboration with ÖsterreichTicket and edition selene.