On The Move: Around Heldenplatz

At the gate to the Volksgarten in Vienna, BLA/Büro für lustige Angelegenheiten, 'Nur Mut!' Participatory performance at the urbanize festival 2017
© photograph: Jo Hloch for BLA
Against the background of the Corona crisis, the Az W focus on Bread & Roses asks what we need for a good life. The first excursion leads to scenes of restriction and appropriation.
Following up on the restrictions imposed in spring 2020, such as the closure of public parks, prosecution by the police for sitting on public benches, and the banishment of playing children, the excursion focuses on strategies of reappropriation and self-empowerment. Whose physical presence is permitted when and where, what are the possibilities? How does the view of the city change when one experiences it with forms of movement that go beyond the (desired?) norm? And why are the public spaces around Heldenplatz actually still fenced in?
With: Adrian Judt, architect and skateboarder, TU Wien; Sabine Knierbein, urbanist and Professor of urban culture and public space, TU Wien; Thomas Neumeister, reiki instructor and initiator of the petition to reopen Vienna’s public parks in early 2020; Maria Welzig, Az W