Communal Oases

Längenfeldgarten and skater park with a view of the Wiental Bridge
© photograph: Maria Welzig
Shut in apartments without outdoor space, standing by the gates of closed parks, only car-owners reaching green space near to the city: The weeks of curfew showed how essential access to nature is — and how little of it there is in large tracts of the city.
The second excursion in the Az W focus on Bread & Roses introduces three strategies to achieve more (communal) green space, and shows how these strategies have fared after a number of years of being self-run: The removal of the core of a Gründerzeit apartment block (Wohnprojekt Künstlergasse), the appropriation of an urban residual space and its transformation into a flourishing garden in the Wiental climate corridor, and the acquisition of a car park roof as a communal garden (Windmühlgasse Wipark Garage).
With: Regina Gschwendtner, architect and mediator, raum & kommunikation; Wolf Klerings, architect; Rüdiger Krenn, architect; Martina Nagl, Wohnprojekt Künstlergasse; Andrea Glück, Längenfeldgarten; Gisela M. Prechtl, Gartenwerkstadt; Tina Wintersteiger, bauteiler; Maria Welzig, Az W