Françoise-Hélène Jourda
Project Lecture in German

Françoise-Hélène Jourda
© JOURDA Architectes
Françoise-Hélène Jourda has been head of the Institut für Raumgestaltung und Entwerfen at Vienna University of Technology since 1999. Alongside her many years of teaching experience in France, Norway, USA, England and Germany she has also completed a remarkable number of projects.
Among her most significant buildings are the courthouse in Melun, Parilly metro station in V⁄nissieux, the Lyon International School, the congress centres in Toulouse and Dijon, the Mont-Cenis Academy in Herne-Sodingen, Marne La Vall⁄e University and numerous bio-technical and experimental private homes all over the world.
Her work is characterised by structural experiments and robust analyses to optimise energy consumption, as well as by the balance between art and technology. Since 2003 she has, among other projects, been working on an office building in Vienna’s 20th district, her first building to be completed in Austria. She will be introducing this project along with many others in a comprehensive presentation of her work.
This is the first in an informal series of lectures presented by the Az W at which foreign architects working in Vienna talk about their work and, vice-versa, lectures are given on remarkable buildings by Austrian architects around the world.