Guided tours in dialogue

Form Guides Rules

with Irmgard Eder, Brandschutzbeauftragte der Stadt Wien, MA 37

Booked up
Wed 24.01.2018, 17:30-19:00
Two smart women

Karoline Mayer, Az W and Irmgard Eder, MA 37 KSB
© Photograph:

Guided tour in dialogue with Irmgard Eder, Brandschutzbeaufragte der Stadt Wien, MA 37, department of fire safety, and Karoline Mayer, curator Az W

The exhibition ‘Form Follows Rule’ brings the regulations to the fore, regulations which are themselves rarely featured in an architecture museum, directing attention critically but also unavoidably humorously to the legal subtext of architecture and urban development. Case studies, explanations of terminology, historical and international comparisons show how strongly legislative compendia and reams of standardised norms have a significant impact on the design process.