expressed – Speeches on architecture
Otto Kapfinger

expressed - Speeches on architecture
© Architekturzentrum Wien
“…….. and if you should come across a tramway loop in Vienna, you would not have to think about it that long any more.”
O.K. has been researching and writing, analysing and criticising for thirty years. Initially he also experimented as and together with Missing Link and built with Adolf Krischanitz. He edited and was in charge of numerous catalogues and exhibitions. Everything always in the service of architecture, meaning an occasion, a task, a subject. O.K. never has dealt with a short writing without treating fundamental questions.
On the occasion of O.K.’s 50th birthday this volume presents a selection of speeches, dialogues and interviews, a collection of portraits of distinctive Austrian architects embedded in fundamental statements on linguistic thoughts about architecture.
Welcome adress
Dietmar Steiner
Ferdinand Schmatz
Short reading
Otto Kapfinger.
The book:
expressed – Speeches on architecture
Otto Kapfinger
128 pages, 12 pictures
Architekturzentrum Wien
Publisher Anton Pustet
ISBN 3-7025-0406-0