Exhibition Competition for Housing Developers 2007

Discussion Competition for Housing Developers
The projects are on show in an exhibition at Halle F3 until (and including) Monday 02.06.2008.
Welcome address
Karin Lux, Business Manager Az W
Michael Ludwig, Stadtrat für Wohnen, Wohnbau und Stadterneuerung
Book presentation
Dieter Groschopf, wohnfonds_wien
The book presentation is followed by a discussion on the future of housing developers competitions, between representatives of the wohnfonds_wien, the City of Vienna, the Grundstücksbeirat special committee and the housing developers.
The Panel
Bettina Götz, Grundstücksbeirat
Winfried Kallinger, KALLCO
Michael Ludwig, Stadtrat für Wohnen, Wohnbau und Stadterneuerung
Elsa Prochazka, Grundstücksbeirat
Michaela Trojan, wohnfonds_wien
Karl Wurm, Neue Heimat – BUWOG
Moderated by: Ute Woltron, architecture correspondent
The documentation of the Competition for Housing Developers in Vienna was initiated by the wohnfonds_wien for the first time two years ago, and has met with highly positive response from the competition participants but also from an interested specialist public.