Exhibition Az W Photo Award: Public Space
to accompany the Eyes On – Month of Photography

Exhibition Az W Photo Award: Public Space
This year the Az W Photo Award is being presented for the second time. The exhibition ‘Platz da! European Public Space’ provided the inspiration for a call for entries on public space.
113 professional and amateur photographers responded to the call and submitted their own personal perspectives on public space. The jury unanimously selected the two joint first prize winners from the flood of widely varied images and atmospheres, having been convinced by their calm approach and poetic lightness of touch. The exhibition presents the first prize winners alongside 11 further photographic contributions.
7pm Brigitte Eisl, Az W, welcome address
7.10pm Andrea Seidling, curator of the exhibition ‘Platz da!’, introduction
7.20pm Award ceremony with jurors’ statements: Valerie Loudon, Galerie Momentum
Moderated by Martina Frühwirth, Az W
ca. 8pm Exhibition opening
(Admission free)