Deadline Today!
99 stories on making architectural competitions

Deadline Today!
‘Deadline Today!’ is an exhibition by Wonderland — Plattform für Architektur that provides an extensive overview of the European architecture competition landscape, while also addressing the significance of competitions for the way architects work.
The study on the topic initiated by Wonderland is presented in the exhibition along with 99 individual accounts. The innovative and experimental approach that architecture offices take when submitting projects to competitions can be seen in a selection of architecture models.
A talk by the architects Róisín Heneghan and Shih-Fu Peng provides an introduction. In 2003 their office, which is based in Ireland, won the competition to build the Egyptian Museum in Cairo from among 1,557 entries.
A special issue of Wonderland Magazine is being published to accompany the exhibition.
For press requests please contact:
juicy pool. communication
M.A. Ulrike Kahl
Sprengersteig 21
1160 Vienna, Austria
T: +43 1 481 54 54 75
E-Mail: ulrike.kahl@juicypool.com
Opening of the exhibition
starts 7pm
free admission!
Roland Gruber, partner in nonconform and board member of Wonderland, welcoming speech
Silvia Forlati, SHARE architects and board member of Wonderland, introductory talk on the exhibition Wonderland and announcement of the symposium
heneghan.peng.architects, architects (IRL), opening talk “Transparency”
Georg Pendl, chairperson of the competition committee of the Architects Council of Europe (ACE) and co-organiser, statement on ACE
Yvette Masson Zanussi, member of the European Forum for Architectural Policies (EFAP) and co-organiser, statement on EFAP
Sándor Finta, architect and President of the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre (KÈK) and co-organiser, statement on KÈK
Dietmar Steiner, Director Az W, statement on the international competition situation
Roland Gruber and Silvia Forlati, members of the board of Wonderland, moderators of the concluding discussion round involving all the speakers; final speeches, invitation to the symposium on the following day, and opening of the exhibition
Dietmar Steiner, Director of the Az W, opening – summer party in the courtyard of the Az W
In English
Thur 18.06.2009, 11:30 am – 6:00 pm: Symposium
In cooperation with bAIK — Bundeskammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten, Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre — KÉK and the Architects Council of Europe (ACE) — special work group for architecture competitions and the European Forum for Architectural Policies (EFAP).
Supported by the Architekturzentrum Wien.
Public Funding:
MA 7, Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien
MA 18, Geschäftsgruppe Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr
Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur