x projects by arbeitsgruppe 4
Holzbauer, Kurrent, Spalt (1950 – 1970)
Speakers at the opening: Dietmar Steiner, director Az WSonja Pisarik, Ute Waditschatka, curators of the exhibition, Az WKarin Wilhelm, Braunschweig…
Guided Tour
Conversations – with Friedrich Achleitner
© Margherita Spiluttini
The members of arbeitsgruppe 4 and their colleagues in conversations with the curators of the exhibition.
Wed 24.03, 6pm: with Friedrich Kurrent/Johannes Spalt
Wed 14.04, 6pm: with Wilhelm Holzbauer
Wed 05.05, 6pm: with Hermann Czech
Wed 26.05, 6pm: with Friedrich Achleitner