Clients’ Award 2007
of the Austrian Architects Association

ZV Bauherrenpreis (Client’s Prize) 2006
© Zentralvereinigung der Architekten Österreichs
Friday 09.11.2007, 5pm: award ceremony + exhibition opening
The exhibition shows all of the projects submitted.
Welcome address: Hannes Pflaum, President of the Az W
Awards presented by: Hans Hollein, President of the Austrian Architects Association
Moderated by Martin Kohlbauer, Clients’ Prize juror, member of the board Austrian Architects Association
The Clients’ Award
The Clients’ Award is bestowed, by the Austrian Architects Association, on exceptional development projects that have resulted from an intensive cooperation between the client and the architect. The award has been given for four decades, providing documentation and sound evidence of the effective power intrinsic to the design and formulation of our environment.
The Austrian Architects Association
The Austrian Architects Association celebrates its centenary this year. Originally established as the Zentralvereinigung der Architekten Österreichs to officially represent the interests of those making architecture, it is now an association for the promotion of building culture.
Award Winners
8 Michelehof 6971 Hard, Vorarlberg
Client Albert Büchele
Arch Philip Lutz
The Michelehof stands in an almost self-evident way, a building that is closely related to its location and to the practical needs of agriculture. The various functions such as production, storage and the tavern all seem to have been cast from the same mould and are combined to create a clear building volume. The farm shop and the tavern elevate the agricultural function and convey a sense of openness and hospitality. In this way this farm becomes a self-assured expression of contemporary agriculture.
The timeless approach shown by this building combines both tradition and modernism. The design means are employed in a subtle and economical way. The rough wooden boarding used for the external envelope forms a delightful contrast to the fine smooth wooden surfaces in the tavern. The client’s innovative collaboration played a decisive role in the concept and execution and ultimately also contributed to the coherence of this project
31 Regional special school with boarding facilities Mariatal, 6233 Kramsach, Tyrol
Client Construction Department of the Tyrolean Regional Government, Innsbruck, DI Dieter Probst
Arch Marte.Marte Architekten
This project is an excellent example of how to deal with historical building substance. Through the precise and self-assured positioning of the new building volume a place is created that has a remarkable spatial quality and exudes an unmistakeable atmosphere. The significance of both the main building (which is under a preservation order) and the church is strengthened by the immensely strong presence of the two new buildings. The common language of the massive building elements with their ‘hole in the wall facades’ (which is playfully alienated in the new buildings) creates a contemporary interpretation of this monastic place. The glazed connecting bridges offer a variety of exciting views and spatial experiences. The archaic strength of the materials and the architectural language create a highly cultivated environment that offers a variety of potential means of identification for the children who live and study in Mariental.
In deciding to use this location the client, the Province of Tyrol, took a most demanding path and has carried out an exceptional project that displays the highest quality and a remarkable consistency.
34 Police station/Help U/ Light-band Karlsplatz, 1040 Vienna
Client Vienna municipal authorities – buildings and technology department, DI Dr. Franz Deix; Vienna public transport, DI Harald Bertha
Arch Arquitectos ZT KEG (H. Pretterhofer/D. Spath)
The project ‘Open Closure’ is not a building in the traditional sense but an urban planning intervention in a problematic spatial and social zone. The measures implemented at this highly frequented public place represent a significant improvement of the area. The intelligent approach taken to this project has created a virtue out of the necessity to provide additional space. The two band-like edges to the space at passageway level and above street level direct the flow of passers-by and form a most beautiful, exciting and elegant spatial sculpture. The perforated scales of the metal facade meet the needs for a view out and transparency in a delightful way. The client has taken a courageous path and, by successfully coordinating the many different needs and the various persons responsible, has achieved an exemplary goal.
35 Wolkenturm – open-air stage Schlosspark Grafenegg 3285 Grafenegg, NÖ
Client Grafenegg Kultur Betriebsges.m.b.H. Johannes Neubert (GF), Paul Gessl (GF NÖ-Kulturwirtschaft), Tassilo Metternich-Sándor (owner of Schloss Grafenegg), Reinhard Hagen (Abt. Forstwirtschaft, Amt der NÖ-LR)
Arch the next ENTERprise-architects (M.-T. Harnoncourt/E. Fuchs)
The jury commends the client’s courage in placing a physical cultural symbol that is impossible to ignore. Although the architectural language does not seem new the entire composition – which itself serves as an instrument that strengthens the acoustics – is highly convincing. Visitors register the integration of the beautiful landscape in the carefully designed elements of park as an attractive entity.
The routes, which are effective parts of the project, offer visitors to the park varied perspectives and views. The different materials used in the tower create a kaleidoscopic impression that is particularly effective during public performances. When the open-air stage is not in use the tower functions as a kind of ‘folly’ in the park. With the help of the landmark ‘Wolkenturm’ the client has succeeded in going further than the immediate needs to create a new cultural identity for the entire region.
37 Campus Krems Educational Centre 3500 Krems/Donau, NÖ
Client Favia GrundstücksvermietungsGmbH
Arch Feichtinger Architectes
The Campus Krems educational centre is an excellent example of the successful integration of a large educational building in a complex environment. The relationship to the vineyards on the one hand, and to the existing building fabric on the other, creates an interesting field of tension for the polyvalent spatial sequences. Using a disciplined architectural vocabulary a building with a contemporary independence and cultivated expression has been created that conveys to all its users a pleasant openness and complex transparency. The outdoor and indoor spaces engage each other as equal partners. Particular mention should be made of the fact that different user requirements and interests have here been integrated in an overall design idea. Despite the severely uniform design the project conveys a sense of liveliness, and the atmosphere creates a positive setting for learning, work, leisure and life. The client successfully created structures that allowed this complex project with its different users to be consistently implemented in architecture of a high standard.
64 Schwechat special school 2320 Schwechat, NÖ
Client Sonderschulgemeinde Schwechat; Hannes Fazekas (mayor), Gerhard Frauenberger (deputy mayor)
Arch Fasch & Fuchs ZT GmbH
The spatial quality and architectural expression of this school building are determined by the lightness it suggests and intensive way in which daylight is handled through The transparent dissolution of the edges to the space and the clear legibility of the finely articulated structure create a most generous, fresh and airy impression.
The architectural language takes an approach that is highly suitable for responding to the needs of the children and offering a beautiful setting for life and work. In this context the intensive involvement of the users in the planning and development process is singled out for special mention.
Through the high level of trust in the architects the client has made an important contribution to a socially and culturally important theme in the form of this committed and ambitious special school building.
Nathalie de Vries_Helmut Dietrich_Martin Kohlbauer