„Building Solidarity”
An event organised by ur5anize! Festivals 2014 “SAFE CITY”, in cooperation with the Az W

„Building Solidarity"
© Simao Mata
Housing as a basic existential right and a fundamental need for a secure life is increasingly coming under pressure. As the market for the “product housing” can no longer meet the demand, in numerous cities housing initiatives are emerging that explore alternative concepts for the provision of housing space and examine new ways of living together and producing urbanity: they place the emphasis on heterogeneous resident structures, social cooperation and the creation of neighbourhoods, and address the need for security felt by socially marginalised people. The event presents projects and approaches to alternative ways of providing housing space and examines their potential beyond the categories communal or private.
With contributions by
Natasa Zugic und Jelena Pejkovic, Pametnija zgrada (Smarter Building), Belgrade
Matteo Robiglio, Buena Vista Social Housing, Torino
Markus Zilker, Wohnprojekt Wien, Vienna
Alexander Hagner, gaupenraub+/-, Vienna
moderated by: Michael Klein, architectural expert
Contributions in German and English