Lectures & Discussion
Best of Austria – Best of Europe

The Austrian architecture projects Townhouse Neubaugasse and
IKEA wien westbahnhof were shortlisted for the EU Mies Award 2024.
© Photograph: Simone Bossi, Hertha Hurnaus
Award meets award! An evening presenting the latest edition of the publication 'Best of Austria', drawing attention to the achievements of Austrian architecture with around 150 projects. 16 of these projects have been nominated by the international jury for the prestigious EU Mies Awards 2024, and two of them have been selected for the shortlist.

What can architecture awards achieve? Are they primarily a reflection of the current architectural discourse or can they also actively promote developments in building culture and society? What significance do awards have for the careers and public perception of architecture offices?
To what extent does the EU Mies Award fulfil its claim to be a seismograph for European building culture, and what changes are reflected in the series ‘Best of Austria’?
Welcome address:
Angelika Fitz, director of the Az W
Elias Molitschnig, head of the Abteilung Architektur, Baukultur und Denkmalschutz (department for architecture, building Culture and the Conservation of Monuments) BMKÖS
Project presentations:
PSLA Architekten, Townhouse Neubaugasse
querkraft, IKEA wien westbahnhof
Discussion with:
Barbara Feller, Editor-in-chief, Best of Austria. Architektur 2022_23
Katharina Ritter, curator, Az W
Moderated by Renate Hammer, Institute of Building Research & Innovation