Az West: Opening Event
+ Exhibition Opening

Az West: Opening Event
© LIGA: graphic design
Opening Az West
Dietmar Steiner, Director Az W
Andreas Mailath-Pokorny, Municipal Councillor for Culture and Science
The Az W is expanding its radius of activity and dedicating more attention on a permanent basis from now on to the diverse spectrum of contemporary architecture in Austria. With the new exhibition space at 35 Flachgasse in the 15th District, only minutes away from the Az W by public transport with the U3, the Architekturzentrum Wien has acquired a new venue for presentations capable of reacting spontaneously to exciting developments in Austrian architecture while also being a space for experiments or simply a platform for self-presentations.
Opening of the Exhibition
“Young Blood. I’m a Young ‘Austerian’ Architect!”
Igor Kovacevic, Director CCEA
Burkhard Schelischansky, Young Blood Austria
The exhibition presents eight positions held by emerging architects from Austria – eight standpoints that are formulated as sound bytes, or slogans for the exhibition, and as a basis for discussion.
Contributors: AGENCYOFCHANGE.NET, AllesWirdGut, feld72, GRID architekten, noncon:form, Franz Sdoutz, transparadiso, x architekten.
approx. 8 pm
Music und visuals with DJ felix the houserat and DJ Van Elst and „Strukturvisualnetwork“ (Tanja Tomic, Wolfgang Schwarzenbrunner)
Buffet: Beer, wine and wiener
Az West
35 – 37 Flachgasse
A – 1150 Vienna
Opening hours (only during exhibitions):
Wed – Sun, 2pm – 8pm
Admission to the Az West is free