Panel Discussion
Az W Topical: ¡Is Everything Remaining Different?
lecture and discussion

Az W Topical: ¡Is Everything Remaining Different?
© Nikolaus Korab
in German
a cooperation by the The Austrian Platform for architectural policy and building culture with the Az W
7pm introduction: Jakob Dunkl and Bernhard Steger, speaker for the The Austrian Platform for architectural policy and building culture
7.10pm lecture: Maria Vassilakou, Executive City Councillor for Urban Planning, Traffic & Transport, Climate Protection, Energy and Public Participation
7.45pm conversation with:
Maria Vassilakou, Executive City Councillor for Urban Planning, Traffic & Transport, Climate Protection, Energy and Public Participation
Lisa Rücker, Deputy Mayor of Graz
Christoph Luchsinger, Prof. of Urban Design, Vienna University of Technology
Andrea Maria Dusl, author, director and illustrator
moderated by Jakob Dunkl and Bernhard Steger
Vienna has had a Red-Green coalition local government since 25 November 2010. With Maria Vassilakou as the incumbent Executive City Councillor for Urban Planning, Traffic & Transport, Climate Protection, Energy and Public Participation for the first time the capital of Austria has a Green politician responsible for urban planning and architectural polity. Maria Vassilakou has been invited to give a programmatic inaugural address in which she outlines her agenda with concrete proposals and goals for the five years to come. What needs to change in the planning and traffic and transport sectors? What will remain the same? What are the tenets that should guide urban planning and architectural policy?
(admission free)