Az W Book Salon: Reading from Experience

Az W Book Salon: Talks on Classics and New Releases
© Pez Hejduk
To filter out what is worth reading and giving as presents from the abundance of current architecture books that we otherwise only leaf hastily through, we invite you to our third Book Salon in the Az W library. The annually increasing stocks of books, magazines and journals are to be placed at the focus of a discussion at the end of the year to find the best of the delicacies among them. With an introductory look at new acquisitions, consisting of 912 architecture books, 189 catalogues and 1,768 architecture magazines and journals, Wolfgang Heidrich presents the expansive bibliophile’s universe at the Az W. This is followed by a discussion between four invited guests who present their own personal selections from among the new releases in 2011 along with their own reading recommendation — regardless of its year of publication.
7pm Angelika Fitz, culture theorist, welcome address
7.10pm Wolfgang Heidrich, Az W librarian, on New Acquisitions, 2011
7.25pm book presentations with:
Eva Blimlinger, rector of the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts
Kari Jormakka, professor at the Institute of Architectural Sciences , Vienna University of Technology
Andreas Nierhaus, curator of architecture at the Wien Museum
Inge Manka, assistant professor at the Institute of Art and Design, Vienna University of Technology
Presented books:
Die Vermessung Wiens, Metro Verlag, Wien 2011
Die Freuden des Landlebens. Zur Zukunft des ruralen Wohnens, Sonderzahl, Wien 2011
Cohen, Jean-Louis: Architecture in Uniform. Designing and Building for the Second World War, Hazan, Paris, 2011
Testify! The Consequences of Architecture, Hrsg. Feireiss, Lukas, Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam 2011
moderated by Angelika Fitz, culture theorist
followed by
an insight into the boundless universe of the Az W library