Avant-gardes and Atmospheres
An evening with contemporaries of the arbeitsgruppe 4

Avant-gardes and Atmospheres
© Franz Hubmann
(in German)
Welcome adress:
Sonja Pisarik und Ute Waditschatka, curators of the exhibition “x projects by arbeitsgruppe 4”
Friedrich Achleitner
Johann Georg Gsteu
Peter Kubelka
Gerhard Rühm
Wieland Schmied
Kurt Schwertsik
moderated by Siegfried Mattl
The exhibition on arbeitsgruppe 4 provides an opportunity for a culture-historical engagement with the network between a range of disciplines in the arts and cultural arena in Vienna during the 1950s and ’60s. A relatively small circle of protagonists and institutions in the fields of architecture, art, music, film and literature who were in close contact with one another character- ised the specific atmosphere of the Viennese avant-garde of the time. Key members of what was an interesting sociotope are our guests for the evening, and provide insight into their experiences and memories.