Panel Discussion
At the Az W: High Life: High-rises as Forms of Urban Living
International Comparisons and the Viennese Context

At the Az W: High Life: High-rises as Forms of Urban Living
Registration required:
Event organized by the City of Vienna and IG Architektur
The city provides a backbone for manifold types of human coexistence that find their architectural manifestation in different housing typologies which in their turn generate urban diversity as a yardstick of high urban quality. Due to the growing necessity to build compact, resource-efficient cities, high-rises have in recent years gained new relevance as a housing type all across Europe.
This event will try to provide a differentiated take on the urban potential of high-rise housing. Experts will discuss international examples and their significance for the Viennese context.
Inter alia, the following questions should be discussed in greater depth: how do current projects in other cities deal with urban challenges of the future? What are the advantages of different building typologies for the creation of urban appeal? How do high-rises impact the cityscape? What effects were achieved with such buildings in other cities? And: how can Vienna learn from the solutions applied?
Speakers & discussants will inter alia include
George Wagner (University of British Columbia, Vancouver)
Stefano Boeri (Stefano Boeri Architetti, Milan)
Wiel Arets (Wiel Arets Architects, Amsterdam/Berlin)
Event in German
Admission free!