Architektur.Film.Sommer 2018
Film night in the Az W courtyard

Film night in the Az W courtyard
© Photograph: Pablo Leiva
The sixth edition of the architecture film festival has as its motto: Habitat 2.0 — From Old Make New.
We screen films that engage with the innovative treatment and (new) use of existing infrastructure, whether in towns and cities or in the countryside. Do the modern machines for living still function? What happens to vacant commercial and industrial premises, and are there concepts for upgrading them in social and environmental terms? What are the options for alternative and cooperative ways to finance a revitalisation project? Documentation, feature length films, short films and experimental formats have been selected from the many international submissions. On four summer evenings, these will entertain and inform the audience in the Az W courtyard, and incite them to discussion.
A cooperation by the Az W with wonderland – platform for european architecture, and MuseumsQuartier Wien.
Jury Open Call: Lene Benz, Marlene Rutzendorfer, Daniela Bernold