Heilige Zeiten
Viennese church building after 1945 — from Rudolf Schwarz to Heinz Tesar
In cooperation with Vienna University of Technology art history department / model makingOpeningDietmar Steiner, Director Az W The PanelAnn Katrin…
Az W by Moonlight
Supplementary Programme "Heilige Zeiten"
All The Best. A Walk 2007
As part of the annual ‘All The Best’ advent stroll the Az W is showing its seasonally appropriate and sensitive side. The stop-and-go path through the 7th District arrives at the Az W towards 9.30pm. Here visitors will be greeted with a guided tour of the exhibition Heilige Zeiten. Viennese Church Buildings after 1945, accompanied by mulled altar wine (glühwein), wafers and music.
Begins at 05:00 pm, Hauptbücherei on the Gürtel
Az W ca. 09.30 pm
ends at 10.30 pm, Dschungel Wien