
Statements Architecture Lounge Partners

For the Architekturzentrum Wien many years of working with the members of the Architecture Lounge have opened up an exciting field of communication and exchange of knowledge about architecture and urban planning. We would like to sincerely thank all our partners for their high level of commitment in terms of both content and time.

Thomas Drozda, Christian Raab, ARWAG Holding-AG

We are passionate about creating sustainable living space for people: social – ecological – innovative, is ARWAG’s mission as a full-service property developer. ARWAG stands by this social, cultural and technical responsibility in subsidised and affordable housing and has been working with a great team for over 30 years on qualitative and sustainable urbanity in neighbourhood developments. Together with initiators, stakeholders and all our partners, we proactively develop perspectives for the challenges of our time and shape a sustainable future.

The Az W and the Architecture Lounge provide us with a platform for lively exchange, reflective discussion and committed innovation – thank you very much!

Wolfgang Gleissner, Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft

BIG is a business of the Austrian Republic with a clear economic mission, which additionally endeavours to meet certain social responsibilities. These include sensitive treatment of historic building fabric, preservation of the value of existing real estate, and the tailor-made introduction of new buildings and extensions. A fundamental premise for all BIG projects is establishing a dialogue between functionality and the economic, ecological and comprehensive quality of architecture and building. The basis for this is a consistently conducted dialectical discourse, i.e. constant interaction with all the proponents of this course. In this context the Architecture Lounge of the Az W offers the perfect setting.

Carola + Peter Fleissner, BDN Fleissner & Partner GmbH

BDN develops projects in harmony. And developing means more than just implementing. By realizing sustainable, future-oriented real estate projects including the necessary infrastructural measures, we contribute to the creation of new, future-oriented living space. For us, projects in harmony mean creating new development space in accordance with existing natural and urban ecosystems – from the idea to the implementation in an innovative, far-sighted and responsible manner. The Az W as an internationally highly regarded platform for architecture corresponds to our idea of added value and sustainability. Within the Architecture Lounge we support these valuable activities and can exchange ideas with like-minded partners.

Daniel Riedl, Buwog Group

As an undertaking the provision of good housing is simply too long-term to allow consideration of short-lived fashionable tendencies. Yet housing is also subject to constant change and innovation, which made it essential to regularly examine developments in the field of architecture.

Fritz Kittel, EGW Erste gemeinnützige Wohnungsgesellschaft mbH

The subject of architecture is a factor that represents an important criterion for the intrinsic value of real estate and, in a broader sense, also for the attractiveness of locations. In this sense, it is important for us to promote and use the Az W as a focal point between architecture, business and politics. The aim is to establish and maintain a lively discourse on these topics that is in tune with the times and reflects current developments. We want to be part of a network from which important impulses come for all participants and in which the above-mentioned areas find their place in the Architecture Lounge for mutual benefit.

Hans-Jörg Kasper, Swisspearl

As a material fibre cement from Swisspearl has long been the source of inspiration for important designers. Both in the past and today the company has always been very close to architecture and regards itself as a having a clear commitment in this area. The network of the Architecture Lounge offers many excellent opportunities to exchange ideas and opinions.

Andreas Pfeiler, Fachverband der Stein- und keramischen Industrie

The climate and energy debate is creating new framework conditions in the building sector. With its cross-industry platform BAU!MASSIV!, the Fachverband Steine-Keramik is constantly providing new impulses to meet future requirements. The buildings of the future must not be degraded to pure energy consumers. Rather, the future of the building sector lies in collecting energy, storing energy and providing energy. Where if not in the Architecture Lounge of the Az W can one find the necessary expertise to face the discourse on future-proof construction methods in the light of energy self-sufficiency?

Ewald Kirschner (retired), Gesiba

Good housing architecture is not an end in itself, it also serves people’s needs: as individuals but also as member of a social group. Good residential architecture creates societal, social and communicative added value. Good architecture is courage to experiment, without giving form priority over content. Good architecture allows flexibility and creates spaces. Good residential architecture is a dialogue: between the building and the environment, between public space and the design of the surroundings for private life. Good architecture develops from the discussion process between developer and architects, future residents and users. Good residential architecture is self-assured, but never arrogant.

Gesiba has developed its philosophy in accordance with these premises and, together with architects, has found innovative solutions. From the revitalisation of the gasometers to the BikeCity, the inter-generation housing complexes,  Alt Erlaa housing park or the new residential districts at the former Nordbahnhof and in the Sonnwendviertel. As well as meeting the creative challenge to help shape the city, the emphasis has always been on the goal of guaranteeing fair housing and living conditions to the best possible standard. And this goal has, by and large, been successfully met.

Institutions and initiatives such as the Architekturzentrum Wien are so essential, because they promote dialogue about housing, planning and building, provide exemplary exhibitions that train people how to see, demonstrate how utopias can be realised and show architecture in the social context. And, not least importantly, the Az W is a forum, a database and a platform for architects, developers and planners.

Patrick Prokop, Grohe Austria, LIXIL EMENA

As a global brand for holistic bathroom solutions and kitchen systems, GROHE is closely linked to architecture. Architects around the world plan with GROHE solutions and value our expertise in the planning processes. We see this connection with architecture as an essential part of building culture. Beyond our core business, we see it as our task to keep focussing on architecture and to actively promote it. As part of the Architecture Lounge, we support these valuable activities and can exchange ideas with like-minded partners. By supporting these initiatives and exchanging ideas, GROHE clearly demonstrates its proximity to architecture in the Architecture Lounge.

Markus Querner, iC consulenten Ziviltechniker GesmbH

In our time, the focus is on overall technical and economic solutions, communication with a wide variety of stakeholders and a diverse balance of interests. The iC was founded on the conviction that engineering services for construction projects, which have become more complex, require a new structure and organization. Experts from different disciplines have thus come together in a network and offer their services in the interdisciplinary network of the iC. The Architecture Lounge of the Az W now represents a successful bridge between the architects, the Lounge partners and the iC network. We are proud and happy to be part of it!

Stefan Eisinger-Sewald, Kallco

In recent years Viennese housing, thanks to its architectural, social and ecological quality, has acquired an excellent international reputation. As a developer Kallco takes an active part in this development and in carrying out its projects seeks collaboration and exchange of ideas with important creative forces.

For Kallco the Architekturzentrum Wien as a whole – and its Architecture Lounge in particular – represents an important platform for cultivating contacts and expanding the horizons of its own business activities.  Encounters at the member conferences and  architecture trips offer a variety of opportunities to meet important persons and to develop ideas in a stimulating atmosphere.

Winfried Kallinger, Kallinger Projects

I have been in the Architecture Lounge for so long that I may already have an inventory number. The various, sometimes unconventional, but ultimately successful paths that I have taken with my respective companies as property developer, enthusiastic about architecture, have often had their starting point in suggestions that I have received in discussions, and, not least, when travelling within the Architecture Lounge. These suggestions have kept our commitment fresh and alive and cannot be overestimated as a value when it comes to finding a balance between the various, often contradictory aspects of building in a social environment that has become difficult.

Stephan Jainöcker, Mischek

Discussion expands horizons (also one’s own). The Architecture Lounge of the Az W encourages politics, business and architecture to examine controversial standpoints and is therefore an important initiator of major contemporary developments.

Christian Wieseneder, Neue Heimat

For many years now Neue Heimat and Gewog have been successfully following new paths in the field of housing construction. The public associates both businesses with innovative and committed projects. In housing the central challenge lies in rapidly responding to the growing need for reasonably priced apartments. To achieve this dialogue-oriented and decisive action is needed, particularly as regards the themes building costs, norms and the provision of suitable sites. The Architecture Lounge of the Az W encourages this dialogue and we are therefore happy to support it.

Siegfried Igler, Neues Leben

The implementation of a high-quality and cost-effective residential building requires a broad dialogue and discourse with the teams of architects from day one. We have been committed to this open and appreciative approach to all planners for decades. In order to ensure permanent further development, our corporate philosophy is based on a broad diversification of commissions for teams of architects as well as the employment of young up-and-coming architectural firms. Four awards with the Austrian Bauherrenpreis in the last two decades is an appreciation of our chosen path.

Andreas Reittinger, ÖVW

Our goal is to offer people the opportunity for a better life through the creation of living space. To meet this aim a high degree of quality in terms of concepts and architecture is required. As a reliable partner the Architekturzentrum Wien offers us a platform for discussion, for mutual exchange and for the development  of cooperation and partnerships.

Hannes Stangl, Sozialbau

Creating high quality living space at affordable prices means more than providing a “roof over one’s head”. It also includes attractive architecture with a recognisable “styling” and innovative accents. Whether in the case of the first solid timber-built, multi-storey housing block in Spöttlegasse, the housing model for inter-ethnic neighbourhoods in the “Globaler Hof”, or our “pioneering achievement” in the Seestadt Aspern – for Sozialbau AG the central benchmark has always been functional, cost-efficient socially and ecologically responsible planning and building. But not just that: the future residents are always a central focus of our work. We therefore attach great importance to a moderated and resident-friendly use of our housing developments.

The Architecture Lounge of the Az W offers an excellent platform for discussing these ambitions with colleagues from the areas of architecture, planning and development.

Erwin Gröss, STRABAG Real Estate

STRABAG Real Estate is one of the leading project developers in Austria and the CEE countries. It is part of the STRABAG SE group. The company’s range of services covers all phases of project development – from initiation and planning to realization, leasing and sale. We specialize in the development of high-quality and sustainable residential and commercial properties. Our name stands for the development of the future on the real estate market, and therefore we consciously deal with trends, changes and usage needs in order to find innovative solutions. In Austria, trends such as adaptability and flexibility are successfully implemented in residential construction.

An essential factor in this is also sophisticated architecture. In the spirit of our corporate values, the dialogue with the Architecture Lounge of the Architekturzentrum Wien is therefore very important and appreciative for us as well as an excellent platform for exchange with and within the industry.

Thomas Wetzstein, Vasko+Partner

VASKO+PARTNER value interdisciplinary collaboration with architects highly. Together and through intensive exchange a variety of exciting projects can be developed. Discussing visions and finding ways of implementing them is part of our daily work. We have made our name as a general consultant for a number of important major projects: the old Aula of Vienna University, the WU Campus, the world’s first passive-house office tower – the RHW.2 – and also the Weltmuseum are just a few of such projects.

VASKO+PARTNER  welcomes the Architecture Lounge of the Az W, as the only way to discover new paths, develop new strategies and arrive at innovative solutions is through open discussion.

Michael Gehbauer, WBV-GPA Wohnbauvereinigung für Privatangestellte

For the WBV-GPA housing association high quality architecture is part of our business philosophy: people, scales, milestones. Without working with the best architects in the country, we would never have created milestones such as the Gasometer B, the Frauen-Werk-Statt, the Kauerhof, the residential tower block K6, the women’s housing project Rosa Donaustadt, the GreenHouse student residence in the Seestadt Aspern, or the neunerhaus Hagenmüllergasse. And we want to continue along this successful path.

Johann Marchner, Wienerberger Austria

Brick is and remains the most popular building material among Austrians. For us as an innovation and market leader, the cooperation with the Az W is the perfect opportunity to bring architecture, planning and building material into harmony. As part of the network, we would like to show ways to build more sustainably, economically and higher with the building material brick on the one hand and get impulses for a valuable exchange from all partners on the other hand.

Gerhard Schuster, Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG

For aspern Die Seestadt Wiens (Aspern, Vienna’s urban lakeside) we in the Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG have set ourselves ambitious goals: the Seestadt is intended to be urban with a good mix, a high quality of life for all generations, and an attractive setting for businesses and their staff. The leitmotif is the creation of sustainability in all areas of urban planning.  Ambitious architecture and spatial planning concepts combined with an excellent infrastructure are intended to make the Seestadt into a district of Vienna worth living in by 2028 – and to remain so afterwards. To achieve these goals it is most important for us to be able to rely on an established centre for knowledge and research on the themes of architecture and the culture of building. In this regard the Az W is a most valuable cooperation partner.

Gregor Puscher, Dieter Groschopf, wohnfonds_wien

The wohnfonds_wien, fonds für wohnbau und stadterneuerung (Vienna fund for housing construction and urban renewal) is responsible for ensuring quality in the construction of subsidised housing and the renovation of existing housing. In this area innovations play a major role. For many years we have been receiving stimuli and ideas from the Az W that are of central importance in this regard. The Az W Architecture Lounge with its events and architecture trips serves as a valuable knowledge platform and communication hub. New social, economic and planning aspects flow into our evaluation system, which is carried by the four piers “Economy”, “Social Sustainability”, “Architecture” and “Ecology”. Along with her knowledge of Viennese housing Angelika Fitz, Director of the Az W, introduces international experience and aspects. The Az W presents itself as a reliable and constructive partner in the field of Viennese housing in general and for us in particular with regard to our wohnfonds_wien_talks and exhibitions.

Josef Herwei, WSE Wiener Standortentwicklung

Anyone who deals with location and project development automatically also deals with architecture. The concern of the WSE Wiener Standortentwicklung GmbH is to develop and build properties in a sustainable way while taking account of the existing surroundings to the greatest possible extent – and always with the aim of strengthening Vienna as a business location. Good architecture is an enormously important component in ensuring the success of this work.

The Architecture Lounge offers us a valuable opportunity to exchange ideas with all involved from the areas of art, culture, business and politics. Good solutions can only be found through discussion and the exchange of ideas. In this area the Az W has created the appropriate platform.